Paula Haddock
I came to mindfulness in part out of curiosity and interest but also out of a desire to find peace with myself and become a healthier, happier, more balanced person. Mindfulness has helped to change the way I experience life for the better. It is a profound journey and so far my life feels richer as I experience the present more fully, my head feels lighter as I understand better the workings of my mind, I laugh more freely and I have more compassion for myself and others. It has also supported me to become more pro-social and pro-environmental and I am now working full time in the area of mindfulness and social change.In this blog, you will find a page explaining what mindfulness is, tons of resources and blog posts relating to various topics. I hope that these will help you as well as helping you help others and help all of us live more sustainably.
Mindfulness and Social Change Network
We now have a network for people working on mindfulness and social change. Please get in touch if you'd like to join.
Work for Social Change
Until recently, I managed the training department at INTRAC - the International NGO Training and Research Centre ( Oxford, UK where we deliver training to support international development and strengthen civil society. I am interested in the link between mindfulness and development (particularly in relation to organisational development, capacity building, stress management and people management). I also blog for INTRAC on this subject. If you want to get in touch with me, please feel free to email me at or write a comment on the blog.
I am currently studying for a Post graduate Diploma in Mindfulness Based Approaches at Bangor University. I have done the Teacher Training 1 course through Bangor University in November 2013. I also did the Engaged Buddhist Training on Empowering Transformation with Ecodharma in August 2014. I have co-taught a Mindfulness - Finding Peace in a Frantic World course for Oxford University Press in 2014. I run a mindfulness group in Oxford for a small group of activists.Teaching Mindfulness
I taught a pilot course on Mindfulness and Social Change at Ecodharma in 2015 and this will be run again with INTRAC and Ecodharma in 2016.
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