The Blogger and MMM activities

Paula Haddock

I came to mindfulness in part out of curiosity and interest but also out of a desire to find peace with myself and become a healthier, happier, more balanced person. Mindfulness has helped to change the way I experience life for the better. It is a profound journey and so far my life feels richer as I experience the present more fully, my head feels lighter as I understand better the workings of my mind, I laugh more freely and I have more compassion for myself and others. It has also supported me to become more pro-social and pro-environmental and I am now working full time in the area of mindfulness and social change.

In this blog, you will find a page explaining what mindfulness is, tons of resources and blog posts relating to various topics. I hope that these will help you as well as helping you help others and help all of us live more sustainably.

Mindfulness and Social Change Network

We now have a network for people working on mindfulness and social change. Please get in touch if you'd like to join. 

Work for Social Change

Until recently, I managed the training department at INTRAC - the International NGO Training and Research Centre ( Oxford, UK where we deliver training to support international development and strengthen civil society. I am interested in the link between mindfulness and development (particularly in relation to organisational development, capacity building, stress management and people management). I also blog for INTRAC on this subject. If you want to get in touch with me, please feel free to email me at or write a comment on the blog.

Teaching Mindfulness

I am currently studying for a Post graduate Diploma in Mindfulness Based Approaches at Bangor University. I have done the Teacher Training 1 course through Bangor University in November 2013. I also did the Engaged Buddhist Training on Empowering Transformation with Ecodharma in August 2014. I have co-taught a Mindfulness - Finding Peace in a Frantic World course for Oxford University Press in 2014. I run a mindfulness group in Oxford for a small group of activists.

I taught a pilot course on Mindfulness and Social Change at Ecodharma in 2015 and this will be run again with INTRAC and Ecodharma in 2016.

Events to promote Mindfulness 

In 2013, I was invited to give three radio interviews on BBC Oxford about the 10 day vipassana (18th July 2013, 2nd September 2013, and March 2014). They were interested to hear why I did it, what the set up was like, what the hard and best parts were and how it has affected me since then. The podcast is no longer available to down load but I will keep this page updated with other media events.

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