Sunday, 10 March 2013

Inspiration from Steve Jobs - a Zen Buddhist

This morning I watched Steve Job's commencement address at Stanford. Never has a 15 minute speech resonated with me so much. He tells us - 'Don't settle!', find what you are passionate about, don't let other's opinion drown out your inner voice, follow your heart and intuition.

Many have said things like this before, but the reality is that this is hard to do. It takes heaps of courage. Inner strength. Confidence. Balls.

It doesn't surprise me that Steve Jobs is Buddhist. Or that he felt strongly about incorporating mindfulness and meditation into Apple. He believed in investing in people - and investing in their mental health.

We easily spend time and money on our bodies, our appearance, exterior things. But the strength to follow our passions, our hearts, our intuition and not settle for anything less - can only come from investing in our minds.

It is an inspiring 15 minutes.

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