Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Bringing mindfulness to schools - a TEDx talk

What on earth is mindfulness and why is it being trialled in some schools?

Check out this short video by Richard Burnett on the Mindfulness in Schools programme called .b In just a few minutes he gives a summary of what mindfulness is, a quick exercise to demonstrate it, and talks about why it is so important to help children.

Here is a quick summary:
  • It's a worthwhile life skill which will help them best use the lens through which their experiences are being filtered - through the faculty of attention.
  • Their mental health and happiness (as per all of ours) is shaped by what they pay attention to - where they put their awareness 
  • Learning how to direct their attention and awareness to their senses (their experience) will help them to deal with anxiety and stress
  • It will help them to notice when thinking changes to ruminating in a negative way
  • It will help them to pay more attention to positive things (which tend to slip off our minds like teflon) as opposed to negative things (which snag our attention like velcro!).
Have a watch and see what you think.

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